fault.verilator_target module

Source code
import fault
from .array import Array
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import magma as m
import fault.actions as actions
from fault.actions import Poke, Eval
from fault.verilog_target import VerilogTarget, verilog_name
import fault.value_utils as value_utils
import fault.verilator_utils as verilator_utils
from fault.select_path import SelectPath
from fault.wrapper import PortWrapper, InstanceWrapper
import math
from hwtypes import BitVector, SIntVector
import subprocess
from fault.random import random_bv
import fault.utils as utils
import platform
import os

src_tpl = """\

// Based on https://www.veripool.org/projects/verilator/wiki/Manual-verilator#CONNECTING-TO-C
vluint64_t main_time = 0;       // Current simulation time
// This is a 64-bit integer to reduce wrap over issues and
// allow modulus.  You can also use a double, if you wish.

double sc_time_stamp () {{       // Called by $time in Verilog
    return main_time;           // converts to double, to match
                                // what SystemC does

VerilatedVcdC* tracer;

void my_assert(
    unsigned int got,
    unsigned int expected,
    int i,
    const char* port) {{
  if (got != expected) {{
    std::cerr << std::endl;  // end the current line
    std::cerr << \"Got      : 0x\" << std::hex << got << std::endl;
    std::cerr << \"Expected : 0x\" << std::hex << expected << std::endl;
    std::cerr << \"i        : \" << std::dec << i << std::endl;
    std::cerr << \"Port     : \" << port << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {{
  Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
  V{circuit_name}* top = new V{circuit_name};

  tracer = new VerilatedVcdC;
  top->trace(tracer, 99);
  mkdir("logs", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);


"""  # nopep8

class VerilatorTarget(VerilogTarget):
    def __init__(self, circuit, directory="build/",
                 flags=[], skip_compile=False, include_verilog_libraries=[],
                 include_directories=[], magma_output="coreir-verilog",
                 circuit_name=None, magma_opts={}):
            `include_verilog_libraries`: a list of verilog libraries to include
            with the -v flag.  From the verilator docs:
                -v <filename>              Verilog library

            `include_directories`: a list of directories to include using the
            -I flag. From the the verilator docs:
                -I<dir>                    Directory to search for includes
        super().__init__(circuit, circuit_name, directory, skip_compile,
                         include_verilog_libraries, magma_output, magma_opts)
        self.flags = flags
        self.include_directories = include_directories

        # Compile the design using `verilator`
        driver_file = self.directory / Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_driver.cpp")
        verilator_cmd = verilator_utils.verilator_cmd(
            self.circuit_name, self.verilog_file.name,
            self.include_verilog_libraries, self.include_directories,
            driver_file.name, self.flags)
        if self.run_from_directory(verilator_cmd):
            raise Exception(f"Running verilator cmd {verilator_cmd} failed")
        self.debug_includes = set()
        verilator_version = subprocess.check_output("verilator --version",
        # Need to check version since they changed how internal signal access
        # works
        self.verilator_version = float(verilator_version.split()[1])

    def make_poke(self, i, action):
        if self.verilator_version > 3.874:
            prefix = f"{self.circuit_name}"
            prefix = f"v"
        if isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
            name = f"{prefix}->{path}"
        elif isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            name = ""
            if len(action.port) > 2:
                # TODO: Find the version that they changed this, 3.874 is known
                # to use top->v instead of top->{circuit_name}
                name += f"{prefix}->"
            name += action.port.verilator_path
            if len(action.port) > 2:
            for item in action.port[1:-1]:
                circuit = type(item.instance)
                circuit_name = circuit.verilog_name
                # Verilator specializes each parametrization into a separate
                # mdoule, this is an attempt to reverse engineer the naming
                # scheme
                if circuit_name == "coreir_reg":
                    circuit_name += "_"
                    circuit_name += f"_I{circuit.coreir_configargs['init']}"
                    circuit_name += f"_W{circuit.coreir_genargs['width']}"
                elif circuit_name == "coreir_reg_arst":
                    circuit_name += "_"
                    circuit_name += f"_I{circuit.coreir_configargs['init']}"
                    if circuit.coreir_genargs['width'] != 1:
                        circuit_name += f"_W{circuit.coreir_genargs['width']}"
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)

        # Special case poking internal registers
        is_reg_poke = isinstance(action.port, SelectPath) and \
            isinstance(action.port[-1], fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort) \
            and action.port[-1].path == "outReg"

        max_bits = 64 if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit" else 32
        if isinstance(action.value, BitVector) and \
                action.value.num_bits > max_bits:
            asserts = []
            for i in range(math.ceil(action.value.num_bits / max_bits)):
                value = action.value[i * max_bits:min(
                    (i + 1) * max_bits, action.value.num_bits)]
                asserts += [f"top->{name}[{i}] = {value};"]
            if is_reg_poke:
                raise NotImplementedError()
            return asserts
            value = action.value
            if isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
                # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
                # unsigned c type
                port_len = len(action.port)
                value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()
            result = [f"top->{name} = {value};"]
            # Hack to support verilator's semantics, need to set the register
            # mux values for expected behavior
            if is_reg_poke:
                action.port[-1].path = "out"
                result += self.make_poke(i, action)
                action.port[-1].path = "in"
                result += self.make_poke(i, action)
                if "enable_mux" in action.port[-3].instance_map:
                    mux_inst = action.port[-3].instance_map["enable_mux"]
                    action.port[-2] = InstanceWrapper(mux_inst, action.port[-3])
                    action.port[-1] = type(mux_inst).I0
                    result += self.make_poke(i, action)
            return result

    def make_print(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        return [f'printf("{action.port.debug_name} = '
                f'{action.format_str}\\n", top->{name});']

    def make_expect(self, i, action):
        # For verilator, if an expect is "AnyValue" we don't need to
        # perform the expect.
        if value_utils.is_any(action.value):
            return []
        if self.verilator_version > 3.874:
            prefix = f"{self.circuit_name}"
            prefix = f"v"
        if isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
            name = f"{prefix}->{path}"
            debug_name = name
        elif isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            name = action.port.verilator_path
            if len(action.port) > 2:
                name = f"{prefix}->" + name
            if self.verilator_version >= 3.856:
                if len(action.port) > 2:
            for item in action.port[1:-1]:
                circuit_name = type(item.instance).name
            debug_name = action.port[-1].debug_name
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
            debug_name = action.port.debug_name
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(value, actions.Peek):
            if isinstance(value.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
                path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
                value = f"top->{prefix}->{path}"
                value = f"top->{verilog_name(value.port.name)}"
        elif isinstance(value, PortWrapper):
            if self.verilator_version >= 3.856:
                if len(action.port) > 2:
            for item in value.select_path[1:-1]:
                circuit_name = type(item.instance).name
            value = f"top->{prefix}->" + value.select_path.verilator_path
        elif isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()

        return [f"my_assert(top->{name}, {value}, "
                f"{i}, \"{debug_name}\");"]

    def make_eval(self, i, action):
        return ["top->eval();", "main_time++;", "#if VM_TRACE",
                "tracer->dump(main_time);", "#endif"]

    def make_step(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.clock.name)
        code = []
        for step in range(action.steps):
            code.append("#if VM_TRACE")
            code.append(f"top->{name} ^= 1;")
        return code

    def generate_code(self, actions, verilator_includes, num_tests, circuit):
        if verilator_includes:
            # Include the top circuit by default
                0, f'{self.circuit_name}')
        includes = [
        ] + [f'"V{self.circuit_name}_{include}.h"' for include in
             verilator_includes] + [

        main_body = ""
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            code = self.generate_action_code(i, action)
            for line in code:
                main_body += f"  {line}\n"

        for i in range(num_tests):
            main_body += self.add_assumptions(circuit, actions, i)
            code = self.make_eval(i, Eval())
            for line in code:
                main_body += f"  {line}\n"
            main_body += self.add_guarantees(circuit, actions, i)

        includes += [f'"V{self.circuit_name}_{include}.h"' for include in

        includes_src = "\n".join(["#include " + i for i in includes])
        src = src_tpl.format(

        return src

    def run_from_directory(self, cmd):
        return subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.directory, shell=True)

    def run(self, actions, verilator_includes=[], num_tests=0,
        driver_file = self.directory / Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_driver.cpp")
        # Write the verilator driver to file.
        src = self.generate_code(actions, verilator_includes, num_tests,
        with open(driver_file, "w") as f:
        # Run a series of commands: run the Makefile output by verilator, and
        # finally run the executable created by verilator.
        verilator_make_cmd = verilator_utils.verilator_make_cmd(
        assert not self.run_from_directory(verilator_make_cmd)
        assert not self.run_from_directory(f"./obj_dir/V{self.circuit_name}")

    def add_assumptions(self, circuit, actions, i):
        main_body = ""
        for port in circuit.interface.ports.values():
            if port.isoutput():
                for assumption in self.assumptions:
                    # TODO: Chained assumptions?
                    assume_port = assumption.port
                    if isinstance(assume_port, SelectPath):
                        assume_port = assume_port[-1]
                    if assume_port is port:
                        pred = assumption.value
                        while True:
                            randval = random_bv(len(assume_port))
                            if pred(randval):
                        code = self.make_poke(
                            len(actions) + i, Poke(port, randval))
                        for line in code:
                            main_body += f"  {line}\n"
        return main_body

    def add_guarantees(self, circuit, actions, i):
        main_body = ""
        for name, port in circuit.interface.ports.items():
            if port.isinput():
                for guarantee in self.guarantees:
                    guarantee_port = guarantee.port
                    if isinstance(guarantee_port, SelectPath):
                        guarantee_port = guarantee_port[-1]
                    if guarantee_port is port:
                        # TODO: Support functions too
                        code = utils.get_short_lambda_body_text(guarantee.value)
                        # TODO: More robust symbol replacer on AST
                        for port in circuit.interface.ports:
                            code = code.replace("and", "&&")
                            code = code.replace(port, f"top->{port}")
                        main_body += f"""\
    if (!({code})) {{
      std::cerr << std::endl;  // end the current line
      std::cerr << \"Got      : 0x\" << std::hex << top->{name} << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"Expected : {code}" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"i        : {i}\" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"Port     : {name}\" << std::endl;
      #if VM_TRACE
        return main_body}


class VerilatorTarget (ancestors: VerilogTarget, Target, abc.ABC)

Inherited from: VerilogTarget

Provides reuseable target logic for compiling circuits into verilog files.

Source code
class VerilatorTarget(VerilogTarget):
    def __init__(self, circuit, directory="build/",
                 flags=[], skip_compile=False, include_verilog_libraries=[],
                 include_directories=[], magma_output="coreir-verilog",
                 circuit_name=None, magma_opts={}):
            `include_verilog_libraries`: a list of verilog libraries to include
            with the -v flag.  From the verilator docs:
                -v <filename>              Verilog library

            `include_directories`: a list of directories to include using the
            -I flag. From the the verilator docs:
                -I<dir>                    Directory to search for includes
        super().__init__(circuit, circuit_name, directory, skip_compile,
                         include_verilog_libraries, magma_output, magma_opts)
        self.flags = flags
        self.include_directories = include_directories

        # Compile the design using `verilator`
        driver_file = self.directory / Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_driver.cpp")
        verilator_cmd = verilator_utils.verilator_cmd(
            self.circuit_name, self.verilog_file.name,
            self.include_verilog_libraries, self.include_directories,
            driver_file.name, self.flags)
        if self.run_from_directory(verilator_cmd):
            raise Exception(f"Running verilator cmd {verilator_cmd} failed")
        self.debug_includes = set()
        verilator_version = subprocess.check_output("verilator --version",
        # Need to check version since they changed how internal signal access
        # works
        self.verilator_version = float(verilator_version.split()[1])

    def make_poke(self, i, action):
        if self.verilator_version > 3.874:
            prefix = f"{self.circuit_name}"
            prefix = f"v"
        if isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
            name = f"{prefix}->{path}"
        elif isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            name = ""
            if len(action.port) > 2:
                # TODO: Find the version that they changed this, 3.874 is known
                # to use top->v instead of top->{circuit_name}
                name += f"{prefix}->"
            name += action.port.verilator_path
            if len(action.port) > 2:
            for item in action.port[1:-1]:
                circuit = type(item.instance)
                circuit_name = circuit.verilog_name
                # Verilator specializes each parametrization into a separate
                # mdoule, this is an attempt to reverse engineer the naming
                # scheme
                if circuit_name == "coreir_reg":
                    circuit_name += "_"
                    circuit_name += f"_I{circuit.coreir_configargs['init']}"
                    circuit_name += f"_W{circuit.coreir_genargs['width']}"
                elif circuit_name == "coreir_reg_arst":
                    circuit_name += "_"
                    circuit_name += f"_I{circuit.coreir_configargs['init']}"
                    if circuit.coreir_genargs['width'] != 1:
                        circuit_name += f"_W{circuit.coreir_genargs['width']}"
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)

        # Special case poking internal registers
        is_reg_poke = isinstance(action.port, SelectPath) and \
            isinstance(action.port[-1], fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort) \
            and action.port[-1].path == "outReg"

        max_bits = 64 if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit" else 32
        if isinstance(action.value, BitVector) and \
                action.value.num_bits > max_bits:
            asserts = []
            for i in range(math.ceil(action.value.num_bits / max_bits)):
                value = action.value[i * max_bits:min(
                    (i + 1) * max_bits, action.value.num_bits)]
                asserts += [f"top->{name}[{i}] = {value};"]
            if is_reg_poke:
                raise NotImplementedError()
            return asserts
            value = action.value
            if isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
                # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
                # unsigned c type
                port_len = len(action.port)
                value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()
            result = [f"top->{name} = {value};"]
            # Hack to support verilator's semantics, need to set the register
            # mux values for expected behavior
            if is_reg_poke:
                action.port[-1].path = "out"
                result += self.make_poke(i, action)
                action.port[-1].path = "in"
                result += self.make_poke(i, action)
                if "enable_mux" in action.port[-3].instance_map:
                    mux_inst = action.port[-3].instance_map["enable_mux"]
                    action.port[-2] = InstanceWrapper(mux_inst, action.port[-3])
                    action.port[-1] = type(mux_inst).I0
                    result += self.make_poke(i, action)
            return result

    def make_print(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        return [f'printf("{action.port.debug_name} = '
                f'{action.format_str}\\n", top->{name});']

    def make_expect(self, i, action):
        # For verilator, if an expect is "AnyValue" we don't need to
        # perform the expect.
        if value_utils.is_any(action.value):
            return []
        if self.verilator_version > 3.874:
            prefix = f"{self.circuit_name}"
            prefix = f"v"
        if isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
            name = f"{prefix}->{path}"
            debug_name = name
        elif isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            name = action.port.verilator_path
            if len(action.port) > 2:
                name = f"{prefix}->" + name
            if self.verilator_version >= 3.856:
                if len(action.port) > 2:
            for item in action.port[1:-1]:
                circuit_name = type(item.instance).name
            debug_name = action.port[-1].debug_name
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
            debug_name = action.port.debug_name
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(value, actions.Peek):
            if isinstance(value.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
                path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
                value = f"top->{prefix}->{path}"
                value = f"top->{verilog_name(value.port.name)}"
        elif isinstance(value, PortWrapper):
            if self.verilator_version >= 3.856:
                if len(action.port) > 2:
            for item in value.select_path[1:-1]:
                circuit_name = type(item.instance).name
            value = f"top->{prefix}->" + value.select_path.verilator_path
        elif isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()

        return [f"my_assert(top->{name}, {value}, "
                f"{i}, \"{debug_name}\");"]

    def make_eval(self, i, action):
        return ["top->eval();", "main_time++;", "#if VM_TRACE",
                "tracer->dump(main_time);", "#endif"]

    def make_step(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.clock.name)
        code = []
        for step in range(action.steps):
            code.append("#if VM_TRACE")
            code.append(f"top->{name} ^= 1;")
        return code

    def generate_code(self, actions, verilator_includes, num_tests, circuit):
        if verilator_includes:
            # Include the top circuit by default
                0, f'{self.circuit_name}')
        includes = [
        ] + [f'"V{self.circuit_name}_{include}.h"' for include in
             verilator_includes] + [

        main_body = ""
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            code = self.generate_action_code(i, action)
            for line in code:
                main_body += f"  {line}\n"

        for i in range(num_tests):
            main_body += self.add_assumptions(circuit, actions, i)
            code = self.make_eval(i, Eval())
            for line in code:
                main_body += f"  {line}\n"
            main_body += self.add_guarantees(circuit, actions, i)

        includes += [f'"V{self.circuit_name}_{include}.h"' for include in

        includes_src = "\n".join(["#include " + i for i in includes])
        src = src_tpl.format(

        return src

    def run_from_directory(self, cmd):
        return subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.directory, shell=True)

    def run(self, actions, verilator_includes=[], num_tests=0,
        driver_file = self.directory / Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_driver.cpp")
        # Write the verilator driver to file.
        src = self.generate_code(actions, verilator_includes, num_tests,
        with open(driver_file, "w") as f:
        # Run a series of commands: run the Makefile output by verilator, and
        # finally run the executable created by verilator.
        verilator_make_cmd = verilator_utils.verilator_make_cmd(
        assert not self.run_from_directory(verilator_make_cmd)
        assert not self.run_from_directory(f"./obj_dir/V{self.circuit_name}")

    def add_assumptions(self, circuit, actions, i):
        main_body = ""
        for port in circuit.interface.ports.values():
            if port.isoutput():
                for assumption in self.assumptions:
                    # TODO: Chained assumptions?
                    assume_port = assumption.port
                    if isinstance(assume_port, SelectPath):
                        assume_port = assume_port[-1]
                    if assume_port is port:
                        pred = assumption.value
                        while True:
                            randval = random_bv(len(assume_port))
                            if pred(randval):
                        code = self.make_poke(
                            len(actions) + i, Poke(port, randval))
                        for line in code:
                            main_body += f"  {line}\n"
        return main_body

    def add_guarantees(self, circuit, actions, i):
        main_body = ""
        for name, port in circuit.interface.ports.items():
            if port.isinput():
                for guarantee in self.guarantees:
                    guarantee_port = guarantee.port
                    if isinstance(guarantee_port, SelectPath):
                        guarantee_port = guarantee_port[-1]
                    if guarantee_port is port:
                        # TODO: Support functions too
                        code = utils.get_short_lambda_body_text(guarantee.value)
                        # TODO: More robust symbol replacer on AST
                        for port in circuit.interface.ports:
                            code = code.replace("and", "&&")
                            code = code.replace(port, f"top->{port}")
                        main_body += f"""\
    if (!({code})) {{
      std::cerr << std::endl;  // end the current line
      std::cerr << \"Got      : 0x\" << std::hex << top->{name} << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"Expected : {code}" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"i        : {i}\" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"Port     : {name}\" << std::endl;
      #if VM_TRACE
        return main_body}


def __init__(self, circuit, directory='build/', flags=[], skip_compile=False, include_verilog_libraries=[], include_directories=[], magma_output='coreir-verilog', circuit_name=None, magma_opts={})

include_verilog_libraries: a list of verilog libraries to include with the -v flag. From the verilator docs: -v Verilog library

include_directories: a list of directories to include using the -I flag. From the the verilator docs: -I

Directory to search for includes

Source code
def __init__(self, circuit, directory="build/",
             flags=[], skip_compile=False, include_verilog_libraries=[],
             include_directories=[], magma_output="coreir-verilog",
             circuit_name=None, magma_opts={}):
        `include_verilog_libraries`: a list of verilog libraries to include
        with the -v flag.  From the verilator docs:
            -v <filename>              Verilog library

        `include_directories`: a list of directories to include using the
        -I flag. From the the verilator docs:
            -I<dir>                    Directory to search for includes
    super().__init__(circuit, circuit_name, directory, skip_compile,
                     include_verilog_libraries, magma_output, magma_opts)
    self.flags = flags
    self.include_directories = include_directories

    # Compile the design using `verilator`
    driver_file = self.directory / Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_driver.cpp")
    verilator_cmd = verilator_utils.verilator_cmd(
        self.circuit_name, self.verilog_file.name,
        self.include_verilog_libraries, self.include_directories,
        driver_file.name, self.flags)
    if self.run_from_directory(verilator_cmd):
        raise Exception(f"Running verilator cmd {verilator_cmd} failed")
    self.debug_includes = set()
    verilator_version = subprocess.check_output("verilator --version",
    # Need to check version since they changed how internal signal access
    # works
    self.verilator_version = float(verilator_version.split()[1])}
def add_assumptions(self, circuit, actions, i)
Source code
def add_assumptions(self, circuit, actions, i):
    main_body = ""
    for port in circuit.interface.ports.values():
        if port.isoutput():
            for assumption in self.assumptions:
                # TODO: Chained assumptions?
                assume_port = assumption.port
                if isinstance(assume_port, SelectPath):
                    assume_port = assume_port[-1]
                if assume_port is port:
                    pred = assumption.value
                    while True:
                        randval = random_bv(len(assume_port))
                        if pred(randval):
                    code = self.make_poke(
                        len(actions) + i, Poke(port, randval))
                    for line in code:
                        main_body += f"  {line}\n"
    return main_body}
def add_guarantees(self, circuit, actions, i)
Source code
    def add_guarantees(self, circuit, actions, i):
        main_body = ""
        for name, port in circuit.interface.ports.items():
            if port.isinput():
                for guarantee in self.guarantees:
                    guarantee_port = guarantee.port
                    if isinstance(guarantee_port, SelectPath):
                        guarantee_port = guarantee_port[-1]
                    if guarantee_port is port:
                        # TODO: Support functions too
                        code = utils.get_short_lambda_body_text(guarantee.value)
                        # TODO: More robust symbol replacer on AST
                        for port in circuit.interface.ports:
                            code = code.replace("and", "&&")
                            code = code.replace(port, f"top->{port}")
                        main_body += f"""\
    if (!({code})) {{
      std::cerr << std::endl;  // end the current line
      std::cerr << \"Got      : 0x\" << std::hex << top->{name} << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"Expected : {code}" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"i        : {i}\" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << \"Port     : {name}\" << std::endl;
      #if VM_TRACE
        return main_body}
def generate_code(self, actions, verilator_includes, num_tests, circuit)
Source code
def generate_code(self, actions, verilator_includes, num_tests, circuit):
    if verilator_includes:
        # Include the top circuit by default
            0, f'{self.circuit_name}')
    includes = [
    ] + [f'"V{self.circuit_name}_{include}.h"' for include in
         verilator_includes] + [

    main_body = ""
    for i, action in enumerate(actions):
        code = self.generate_action_code(i, action)
        for line in code:
            main_body += f"  {line}\n"

    for i in range(num_tests):
        main_body += self.add_assumptions(circuit, actions, i)
        code = self.make_eval(i, Eval())
        for line in code:
            main_body += f"  {line}\n"
        main_body += self.add_guarantees(circuit, actions, i)

    includes += [f'"V{self.circuit_name}_{include}.h"' for include in

    includes_src = "\n".join(["#include " + i for i in includes])
    src = src_tpl.format(

    return src}
def make_eval(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_eval(self, i, action):
    return ["top->eval();", "main_time++;", "#if VM_TRACE",
            "tracer->dump(main_time);", "#endif"]}
def make_expect(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_expect(self, i, action):
    # For verilator, if an expect is "AnyValue" we don't need to
    # perform the expect.
    if value_utils.is_any(action.value):
        return []
    if self.verilator_version > 3.874:
        prefix = f"{self.circuit_name}"
        prefix = f"v"
    if isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
        path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
        name = f"{prefix}->{path}"
        debug_name = name
    elif isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
        name = action.port.verilator_path
        if len(action.port) > 2:
            name = f"{prefix}->" + name
        if self.verilator_version >= 3.856:
            if len(action.port) > 2:
        for item in action.port[1:-1]:
            circuit_name = type(item.instance).name
        debug_name = action.port[-1].debug_name
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        debug_name = action.port.debug_name
    value = action.value
    if isinstance(value, actions.Peek):
        if isinstance(value.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
            value = f"top->{prefix}->{path}"
            value = f"top->{verilog_name(value.port.name)}"
    elif isinstance(value, PortWrapper):
        if self.verilator_version >= 3.856:
            if len(action.port) > 2:
        for item in value.select_path[1:-1]:
            circuit_name = type(item.instance).name
        value = f"top->{prefix}->" + value.select_path.verilator_path
    elif isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
        # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
        # unsigned c type
        port_len = len(action.port)
        value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()

    return [f"my_assert(top->{name}, {value}, "
            f"{i}, \"{debug_name}\");"]}
def make_poke(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_poke(self, i, action):
    if self.verilator_version > 3.874:
        prefix = f"{self.circuit_name}"
        prefix = f"v"
    if isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
        path = action.port.path.replace(".", "->")
        name = f"{prefix}->{path}"
    elif isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
        name = ""
        if len(action.port) > 2:
            # TODO: Find the version that they changed this, 3.874 is known
            # to use top->v instead of top->{circuit_name}
            name += f"{prefix}->"
        name += action.port.verilator_path
        if len(action.port) > 2:
        for item in action.port[1:-1]:
            circuit = type(item.instance)
            circuit_name = circuit.verilog_name
            # Verilator specializes each parametrization into a separate
            # mdoule, this is an attempt to reverse engineer the naming
            # scheme
            if circuit_name == "coreir_reg":
                circuit_name += "_"
                circuit_name += f"_I{circuit.coreir_configargs['init']}"
                circuit_name += f"_W{circuit.coreir_genargs['width']}"
            elif circuit_name == "coreir_reg_arst":
                circuit_name += "_"
                circuit_name += f"_I{circuit.coreir_configargs['init']}"
                if circuit.coreir_genargs['width'] != 1:
                    circuit_name += f"_W{circuit.coreir_genargs['width']}"
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)

    # Special case poking internal registers
    is_reg_poke = isinstance(action.port, SelectPath) and \
        isinstance(action.port[-1], fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort) \
        and action.port[-1].path == "outReg"

    max_bits = 64 if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit" else 32
    if isinstance(action.value, BitVector) and \
            action.value.num_bits > max_bits:
        asserts = []
        for i in range(math.ceil(action.value.num_bits / max_bits)):
            value = action.value[i * max_bits:min(
                (i + 1) * max_bits, action.value.num_bits)]
            asserts += [f"top->{name}[{i}] = {value};"]
        if is_reg_poke:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return asserts
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()
        result = [f"top->{name} = {value};"]
        # Hack to support verilator's semantics, need to set the register
        # mux values for expected behavior
        if is_reg_poke:
            action.port[-1].path = "out"
            result += self.make_poke(i, action)
            action.port[-1].path = "in"
            result += self.make_poke(i, action)
            if "enable_mux" in action.port[-3].instance_map:
                mux_inst = action.port[-3].instance_map["enable_mux"]
                action.port[-2] = InstanceWrapper(mux_inst, action.port[-3])
                action.port[-1] = type(mux_inst).I0
                result += self.make_poke(i, action)
        return result}
def make_print(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_print(self, i, action):
    name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
    return [f'printf("{action.port.debug_name} = '
            f'{action.format_str}\\n", top->{name});']}
def make_step(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_step(self, i, action):
    name = verilog_name(action.clock.name)
    code = []
    for step in range(action.steps):
        code.append("#if VM_TRACE")
        code.append(f"top->{name} ^= 1;")
    return code}
def run(self, actions, verilator_includes=[], num_tests=0)
Source code
def run(self, actions, verilator_includes=[], num_tests=0,
    driver_file = self.directory / Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_driver.cpp")
    # Write the verilator driver to file.
    src = self.generate_code(actions, verilator_includes, num_tests,
    with open(driver_file, "w") as f:
    # Run a series of commands: run the Makefile output by verilator, and
    # finally run the executable created by verilator.
    verilator_make_cmd = verilator_utils.verilator_make_cmd(
    assert not self.run_from_directory(verilator_make_cmd)
    assert not self.run_from_directory(f"./obj_dir/V{self.circuit_name}")}
def run_from_directory(self, cmd)
Source code
def run_from_directory(self, cmd):
    return subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.directory, shell=True)}