fault.system_verilog_target module

Source code
from fault.verilog_target import VerilogTarget, verilog_name
import magma as m
from pathlib import Path
import fault.actions as actions
from hwtypes import BitVector
import fault.value_utils as value_utils
from fault.select_path import SelectPath
import subprocess
from fault.wrapper import PortWrapper
import fault

src_tpl = """\
module {circuit_name}_tb;

    {circuit_name} dut (

    initial begin
        #20 $finish;


ncsim_cmd_string = """\
database -open -vcd vcddb -into verilog.vcd -default -timescale ps
probe -create -all -vcd -depth all
run 10000ns

class SystemVerilogTarget(VerilogTarget):
    def __init__(self, circuit, circuit_name=None, directory="build/",
                 skip_compile=False, magma_output="coreir-verilog",
                 magma_opts={}, include_verilog_libraries=[], simulator=None,
                 timescale="1ns/1ns", clock_step_delay=5):
        circuit: a magma circuit

        circuit_name: the name of the circuit (default is circuit.name)

        directory: directory to use for generating collateral, buildling, and
                   running simulator

        skip_compile: (boolean) whether or not to compile the magma circuit

        magma_output: Set the output parameter to m.compile
                      (default coreir-verilog)

        magma_opts: Options dictionary for `magma.compile` command

        simulator: "ncsim" or "vcs"

        timescale: Set the timescale for the verilog simulation
                   (default 1ns/1ns)

        clock_step_delay: Set the number of steps to delay for each step of the
        super().__init__(circuit, circuit_name, directory, skip_compile,
                         include_verilog_libraries, magma_output, magma_opts)
        if simulator is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify simulator when using system-verilog"
                             " target")
        if simulator not in ["vcs", "ncsim"]:
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported simulator {simulator}")
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.timescale = timescale
        self.clock_step_delay = clock_step_delay

    def make_poke(self, i, action):
        if isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            if len(action.port) > 2:
                name = f"dut.{action.port.system_verilog_path}"
                # Top level ports assign to the external reg
                name = verilog_name(action.port[-1].name)
        elif isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            name = f"dut.{action.port.path}"
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        # For now we assume that verilog can handle big ints
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()
        return [f"{name} = {value};", f"#{self.clock_step_delay}"]

    def make_print(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        return [f'$display("{action.port.debug_name} = '
                f'{action.format_str}", {name});']

    def make_expect(self, i, action):
        if value_utils.is_any(action.value):
            return []
        if isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            name = f"dut.{action.port.system_verilog_path}"
            debug_name = action.port[-1].name
        elif isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            name = f"dut.{action.port.path}"
            debug_name = name
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
            debug_name = action.port.name
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(value, actions.Peek):
            if isinstance(value.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
                value = f"dut.{value.port.path}"
                value = f"{value.port.name}"
        elif isinstance(value, PortWrapper):
            value = f"dut.{value.select_path.system_verilog_path}"
        elif isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()

        return [f"if ({name} != {value}) $error(\"Failed on action={i}"
                f" checking port {debug_name}. Expected %x, got %x\""
                f", {value}, {name});"]

    def make_eval(self, i, action):
        # Eval implicit in SV simulations
        return []

    def make_step(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.clock.name)
        code = []
        for step in range(action.steps):
            code.append(f"#5 {name} ^= 1;")
        return code

    def generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_):
        declarations = ""
        port_list = []
        if isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind):
            for j in range(type_.N):
                result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(
                    name + "_" + str(j), type_.T
                declarations += result[0]
        elif isinstance(type_, m.TupleKind):
            for k, t in zip(type_.Ks, type_.Ts):
                result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(
                    name + "_" + str(k), t
                declarations += result[0]
        return declarations, port_list

    def generate_port_code(name, type_):
        is_array_of_bits = isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind) and \
            not isinstance(type_.T, m.BitKind)
        if is_array_of_bits or isinstance(type_, m.TupleKind):
            return SystemVerilogTarget.generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_)
            width_str = ""
            if isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind) and \
                    isinstance(type_.T, m.BitKind):
                width_str = f"[{len(type_) - 1}:0] "
            if type_.isoutput():
                t = "wire"
            elif type_.isinput():
                t = "reg"
                raise NotImplementedError()
            return f"    {t} {width_str}{name};\n", [f".{name}({name})"]

    def generate_code(self, actions):
        initial_body = ""
        declarations = ""
        port_list = []
        for name, type_ in self.circuit.IO.ports.items():
            result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(name, type_)
            declarations += result[0]

        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            code = self.generate_action_code(i, action)
            for line in code:
                initial_body += f"        {line}\n"

        src = src_tpl.format(
            port_list=",\n        ".join(port_list),

        return src

    def run(self, actions):
        test_bench_file = Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_tb.sv")

        # Write the verilator driver to file.
        src = self.generate_code(actions)
        with open(self.directory / test_bench_file, "w") as f:
        verilog_libraries = " ".join(str(x) for x in
        cmd_file = Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_cmd.tcl")
        if self.simulator == "ncsim":
            with open(self.directory / cmd_file, "w") as f:
            cmd = f"""\
irun -top {self.circuit_name}_tb -timescale {self.timescale} -access +rwc -notimingchecks -input {cmd_file} {test_bench_file} {self.verilog_file} {verilog_libraries}
"""  # nopep8
            cmd = f"""\
vcs -sverilog -full64 +v2k -timescale={self.timescale} -LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed  {test_bench_file} {self.verilog_file} {verilog_libraries}
"""  # nopep8

        print(f"Running command: {cmd}")
        assert not subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.directory, shell=True)
        if self.simulator == "vcs":
            print(f"Running command: {cmd}")
            assert not subprocess.call("./simv", cwd=self.directory, shell=True)}


class SystemVerilogTarget (ancestors: VerilogTarget, Target, abc.ABC)

Inherited from: VerilogTarget

Provides reuseable target logic for compiling circuits into verilog files.

Source code
class SystemVerilogTarget(VerilogTarget):
    def __init__(self, circuit, circuit_name=None, directory="build/",
                 skip_compile=False, magma_output="coreir-verilog",
                 magma_opts={}, include_verilog_libraries=[], simulator=None,
                 timescale="1ns/1ns", clock_step_delay=5):
        circuit: a magma circuit

        circuit_name: the name of the circuit (default is circuit.name)

        directory: directory to use for generating collateral, buildling, and
                   running simulator

        skip_compile: (boolean) whether or not to compile the magma circuit

        magma_output: Set the output parameter to m.compile
                      (default coreir-verilog)

        magma_opts: Options dictionary for `magma.compile` command

        simulator: "ncsim" or "vcs"

        timescale: Set the timescale for the verilog simulation
                   (default 1ns/1ns)

        clock_step_delay: Set the number of steps to delay for each step of the
        super().__init__(circuit, circuit_name, directory, skip_compile,
                         include_verilog_libraries, magma_output, magma_opts)
        if simulator is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify simulator when using system-verilog"
                             " target")
        if simulator not in ["vcs", "ncsim"]:
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported simulator {simulator}")
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.timescale = timescale
        self.clock_step_delay = clock_step_delay

    def make_poke(self, i, action):
        if isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            if len(action.port) > 2:
                name = f"dut.{action.port.system_verilog_path}"
                # Top level ports assign to the external reg
                name = verilog_name(action.port[-1].name)
        elif isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            name = f"dut.{action.port.path}"
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        # For now we assume that verilog can handle big ints
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()
        return [f"{name} = {value};", f"#{self.clock_step_delay}"]

    def make_print(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        return [f'$display("{action.port.debug_name} = '
                f'{action.format_str}", {name});']

    def make_expect(self, i, action):
        if value_utils.is_any(action.value):
            return []
        if isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
            name = f"dut.{action.port.system_verilog_path}"
            debug_name = action.port[-1].name
        elif isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            name = f"dut.{action.port.path}"
            debug_name = name
            name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
            debug_name = action.port.name
        value = action.value
        if isinstance(value, actions.Peek):
            if isinstance(value.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
                value = f"dut.{value.port.path}"
                value = f"{value.port.name}"
        elif isinstance(value, PortWrapper):
            value = f"dut.{value.select_path.system_verilog_path}"
        elif isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
            # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
            # unsigned c type
            port_len = len(action.port)
            value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()

        return [f"if ({name} != {value}) $error(\"Failed on action={i}"
                f" checking port {debug_name}. Expected %x, got %x\""
                f", {value}, {name});"]

    def make_eval(self, i, action):
        # Eval implicit in SV simulations
        return []

    def make_step(self, i, action):
        name = verilog_name(action.clock.name)
        code = []
        for step in range(action.steps):
            code.append(f"#5 {name} ^= 1;")
        return code

    def generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_):
        declarations = ""
        port_list = []
        if isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind):
            for j in range(type_.N):
                result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(
                    name + "_" + str(j), type_.T
                declarations += result[0]
        elif isinstance(type_, m.TupleKind):
            for k, t in zip(type_.Ks, type_.Ts):
                result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(
                    name + "_" + str(k), t
                declarations += result[0]
        return declarations, port_list

    def generate_port_code(name, type_):
        is_array_of_bits = isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind) and \
            not isinstance(type_.T, m.BitKind)
        if is_array_of_bits or isinstance(type_, m.TupleKind):
            return SystemVerilogTarget.generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_)
            width_str = ""
            if isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind) and \
                    isinstance(type_.T, m.BitKind):
                width_str = f"[{len(type_) - 1}:0] "
            if type_.isoutput():
                t = "wire"
            elif type_.isinput():
                t = "reg"
                raise NotImplementedError()
            return f"    {t} {width_str}{name};\n", [f".{name}({name})"]

    def generate_code(self, actions):
        initial_body = ""
        declarations = ""
        port_list = []
        for name, type_ in self.circuit.IO.ports.items():
            result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(name, type_)
            declarations += result[0]

        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            code = self.generate_action_code(i, action)
            for line in code:
                initial_body += f"        {line}\n"

        src = src_tpl.format(
            port_list=",\n        ".join(port_list),

        return src

    def run(self, actions):
        test_bench_file = Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_tb.sv")

        # Write the verilator driver to file.
        src = self.generate_code(actions)
        with open(self.directory / test_bench_file, "w") as f:
        verilog_libraries = " ".join(str(x) for x in
        cmd_file = Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_cmd.tcl")
        if self.simulator == "ncsim":
            with open(self.directory / cmd_file, "w") as f:
            cmd = f"""\
irun -top {self.circuit_name}_tb -timescale {self.timescale} -access +rwc -notimingchecks -input {cmd_file} {test_bench_file} {self.verilog_file} {verilog_libraries}
"""  # nopep8
            cmd = f"""\
vcs -sverilog -full64 +v2k -timescale={self.timescale} -LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed  {test_bench_file} {self.verilog_file} {verilog_libraries}
"""  # nopep8

        print(f"Running command: {cmd}")
        assert not subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.directory, shell=True)
        if self.simulator == "vcs":
            print(f"Running command: {cmd}")
            assert not subprocess.call("./simv", cwd=self.directory, shell=True)}

Static methods

def generate_port_code(name, type_)
Source code
def generate_port_code(name, type_):
    is_array_of_bits = isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind) and \
        not isinstance(type_.T, m.BitKind)
    if is_array_of_bits or isinstance(type_, m.TupleKind):
        return SystemVerilogTarget.generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_)
        width_str = ""
        if isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind) and \
                isinstance(type_.T, m.BitKind):
            width_str = f"[{len(type_) - 1}:0] "
        if type_.isoutput():
            t = "wire"
        elif type_.isinput():
            t = "reg"
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return f"    {t} {width_str}{name};\n", [f".{name}({name})"]}
def generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_)
Source code
def generate_recursive_port_code(name, type_):
    declarations = ""
    port_list = []
    if isinstance(type_, m.ArrayKind):
        for j in range(type_.N):
            result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(
                name + "_" + str(j), type_.T
            declarations += result[0]
    elif isinstance(type_, m.TupleKind):
        for k, t in zip(type_.Ks, type_.Ts):
            result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(
                name + "_" + str(k), t
            declarations += result[0]
    return declarations, port_list}


def __init__(self, circuit, circuit_name=None, directory='build/', skip_compile=False, magma_output='coreir-verilog', magma_opts={}, include_verilog_libraries=[], simulator=None, timescale='1ns/1ns', clock_step_delay=5)
circuit : a magma circuit
circuit_name : the name of the circuit (default is circuit.name)
directory : directory to use for generating collateral, buildling, and
running simulator
skip_compile : (boolean) whether or not to compile the magma circuit
magma_output : Set the output parameter to m.compile
(default coreir-verilog)
magma_opts : Options dictionary for magma.compile command
simulator : "ncsim" or "vcs"
timescale : Set the timescale for the verilog simulation
(default 1ns/1ns)
clock_step_delay : Set the number of steps to delay for each step of the
Source code
def __init__(self, circuit, circuit_name=None, directory="build/",
             skip_compile=False, magma_output="coreir-verilog",
             magma_opts={}, include_verilog_libraries=[], simulator=None,
             timescale="1ns/1ns", clock_step_delay=5):
    circuit: a magma circuit

    circuit_name: the name of the circuit (default is circuit.name)

    directory: directory to use for generating collateral, buildling, and
               running simulator

    skip_compile: (boolean) whether or not to compile the magma circuit

    magma_output: Set the output parameter to m.compile
                  (default coreir-verilog)

    magma_opts: Options dictionary for `magma.compile` command

    simulator: "ncsim" or "vcs"

    timescale: Set the timescale for the verilog simulation
               (default 1ns/1ns)

    clock_step_delay: Set the number of steps to delay for each step of the
    super().__init__(circuit, circuit_name, directory, skip_compile,
                     include_verilog_libraries, magma_output, magma_opts)
    if simulator is None:
        raise ValueError("Must specify simulator when using system-verilog"
                         " target")
    if simulator not in ["vcs", "ncsim"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported simulator {simulator}")
    self.simulator = simulator
    self.timescale = timescale
    self.clock_step_delay = clock_step_delay}
def generate_code(self, actions)
Source code
def generate_code(self, actions):
    initial_body = ""
    declarations = ""
    port_list = []
    for name, type_ in self.circuit.IO.ports.items():
        result = SystemVerilogTarget.generate_port_code(name, type_)
        declarations += result[0]

    for i, action in enumerate(actions):
        code = self.generate_action_code(i, action)
        for line in code:
            initial_body += f"        {line}\n"

    src = src_tpl.format(
        port_list=",\n        ".join(port_list),

    return src}
def make_eval(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_eval(self, i, action):
    # Eval implicit in SV simulations
    return []}
def make_expect(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_expect(self, i, action):
    if value_utils.is_any(action.value):
        return []
    if isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
        name = f"dut.{action.port.system_verilog_path}"
        debug_name = action.port[-1].name
    elif isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
        name = f"dut.{action.port.path}"
        debug_name = name
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
        debug_name = action.port.name
    value = action.value
    if isinstance(value, actions.Peek):
        if isinstance(value.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
            value = f"dut.{value.port.path}"
            value = f"{value.port.name}"
    elif isinstance(value, PortWrapper):
        value = f"dut.{value.select_path.system_verilog_path}"
    elif isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
        # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
        # unsigned c type
        port_len = len(action.port)
        value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()

    return [f"if ({name} != {value}) $error(\"Failed on action={i}"
            f" checking port {debug_name}. Expected %x, got %x\""
            f", {value}, {name});"]}
def make_poke(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_poke(self, i, action):
    if isinstance(action.port, SelectPath):
        if len(action.port) > 2:
            name = f"dut.{action.port.system_verilog_path}"
            # Top level ports assign to the external reg
            name = verilog_name(action.port[-1].name)
    elif isinstance(action.port, fault.WrappedVerilogInternalPort):
        name = f"dut.{action.port.path}"
        name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
    # For now we assume that verilog can handle big ints
    value = action.value
    if isinstance(action.port, m.SIntType) and value < 0:
        # Handle sign extension for verilator since it expects and
        # unsigned c type
        port_len = len(action.port)
        value = BitVector(value, port_len).as_uint()
    return [f"{name} = {value};", f"#{self.clock_step_delay}"]}
def make_print(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_print(self, i, action):
    name = verilog_name(action.port.name)
    return [f'$display("{action.port.debug_name} = '
            f'{action.format_str}", {name});']}
def make_step(self, i, action)
Source code
def make_step(self, i, action):
    name = verilog_name(action.clock.name)
    code = []
    for step in range(action.steps):
        code.append(f"#5 {name} ^= 1;")
    return code}
def run(self, actions)
Source code
    def run(self, actions):
        test_bench_file = Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_tb.sv")

        # Write the verilator driver to file.
        src = self.generate_code(actions)
        with open(self.directory / test_bench_file, "w") as f:
        verilog_libraries = " ".join(str(x) for x in
        cmd_file = Path(f"{self.circuit_name}_cmd.tcl")
        if self.simulator == "ncsim":
            with open(self.directory / cmd_file, "w") as f:
            cmd = f"""\
irun -top {self.circuit_name}_tb -timescale {self.timescale} -access +rwc -notimingchecks -input {cmd_file} {test_bench_file} {self.verilog_file} {verilog_libraries}
"""  # nopep8
            cmd = f"""\
vcs -sverilog -full64 +v2k -timescale={self.timescale} -LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed  {test_bench_file} {self.verilog_file} {verilog_libraries}
"""  # nopep8

        print(f"Running command: {cmd}")
        assert not subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.directory, shell=True)
        if self.simulator == "vcs":
            print(f"Running command: {cmd}")
            assert not subprocess.call("./simv", cwd=self.directory, shell=True)}